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                                              Arts Award is a range of qualification involving several awards

                                                                  (Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold).


The Arts award is on the same level as a GCSE and is recognised as a national qualification widely accepted by colleges and universities.


                                                 An award can be obtained for each of the stages


 Working through the different stages of the awards students progress through the five levels and get to:


  • Discover the enjoyment of creating and participating in arts activities

  • Experience the arts by being immersed in the creative process

  • Develop creative and communication skills

  • Explore the work of craftspeople and gain insight into an art form

  • Aquire experience and knowledge to help them progress into further education and employment


                     ...There are no entry requirements and no set rule on how to present final work ...          



For further information on the Arts Award, please contact the Phrontistery via our contact page.



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